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HomeCPA Fly-in Season Wrap-up

Colorado Pilots Association
For 2023, It's a wrap!


It’s adios to the CPA’s successful 2023 Fly-in season and you no longer see any events here because they’re all history. 2023 sent our members to Nebraska twice, to New Mexico three times, to Idaho, Montana and Wyoming as well as right here in Colorful Colorado. On one trip we saw an eclipse and on another tied down on a grass strip near a campfire and hot water showers in the Sawtooth mountains. But fret not because there’s more coming next year!

Early each January we meet in Denver to select our events for that year’s flying season, which normally runs from March through October, Mother Nature permitting. And it isn’t some select group of “insiders” who do this – it’s anyone who wants to host one! In fact, we rarely know in advance who will step up as a host, where they plan to take us or what we’ll do. So that meeting is exciting because the flying year literally unfolds right in front of us.

Stay in touch on the web site and if you’re not a member, what are you waiting for? Toss $20 into the pot and come join us! Flying in and over the mountains of pristine Colorado is one of the most satisfying things you can do in aviation. We have deserts, mountains, canyons, prairies and even great beer! Sheesh – and you’re not a member???